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Student Senate report: 9/21

Student Senate began its meeting with Finance Chair Ryan Buck, who noted the financial request from the Muslim Student Association for their Annual Eid Banquet. The banquet will feature a chaplain from Yale University to speak at the dinner.

The External Affairs Committee announced that the Narragansett Cleanup will be taking place on Oct. 8 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and is urging for any available students to come for the service opportunity. External Affairs also announced that they will have voter registration booths on Sept. 26 and 29 from 11:00 to 2:00 p.m. Senators hosting the booths will be able to help students register to vote, provide absentee ballots and explain the voting process in both of these methods.

Student Senate elections are coming up next week starting Wednesday the 29th and continuing into the following day going from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Memorial Union. Anyone interested in running for senate has until Friday Sept. 23 at 1 p.m. and in addition will need to submit a platform by 5:00 p.m. In an effort to increase voter turnout, Del’s will be present both days to provide free lemonade to roughly 250 students per day who present an “I Voted” sticker. The Elections Committee noted that student ballots will be voided if they vote for more candidates than the amount of available positions allow for.

The Engineering Quad is now undergoing relocation and new buildings are being constructed. Next semester, most of the new engineering classes will be held either be in Pastore Hall or in university rented/owned buildings which will be off-campus. A new train station is going to built right off-campus and students with classes in those buildings will be shuttled to their classes from there. Construction of these buildings for the spring semester will be starting sometime in January. The only buildings that will not be demolished in the process are Bliss Hall and the Kirk buildings.

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