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Top 5 places for commuters to nap on campus

  1. The commuter lounge located on the 3rd floor of the Memorial Student Union

It’s not the most visited location, but that’s what makes it an ideal napping zone. Whether you’re sprawled across a couch or sunken into the leather chairs, you’re bound to get some shut-eye.

  1. Your car

This can work best if you know how to strategically plan it. Park in a far corner, possibly in Plains Road or Keaney lots, lean back, and zonk out. If have a car with tinted windows, you’re less likely to appear on the URI SnapYak’s account.

  1. The Quad

This is the perfect place to nap in the spring and fall when the weather is just right. Along with other people slacklining and playing the guitar, it is the most serene location central to campus. Just watch out for the ants!

  1. Robert Carothers Library

Just about anywhere will work, whether it is on the cluster of couches in the 24-hour room, or the silent second and third floors. Beware of the tours however, make sure you’re alert when they pass by!

  1. A friend’s dorm

If you’re lucky enough to have friends who aren’t living down the line or at home, this is probably the best option because it’s private and comfy. Besides, they definitely owe you for letting them crash at your place.

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