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Is sex healthy?

We know it feels good, but is sexual activity beneficial to our overall health?

In today’s day and age, everyone has their own opinions on sex. Everyone from the preachers at the library, to your resident advisors who leave condoms outside their door for anyone to snatch up. There are even people who believe that by keeping your virginity you can attain immortality. With the large amount of misinformation around sex and sexual topics it is important to ask, what is the science of banging?

Wanting to shag is a natural instinct that everyone experiences at some point or another. For many young people, sexual experiences begin in college. Whether you want to believe it or not, college is the peak of hookup culture, just spend a night on Tinder. According to a study done by the University of Montana, a little more than half of college students are ‘hooking up’. The growth of hookup culture has prompted the debate on whether or not getting busy beneath the sheets is actually healthy.

When things get steamy your heart rate escalates and your body gets to work. Regardless of the position, hanky panky helps work out your heart muscles leading to lower risks of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as strengthening your muscles.

However, the health benefits of doing the do actually go deeper than that. In a study done by the Philadelphia Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, they found that people who get it on one or two times a week had increased immune function in the areas associated with prevention of disease.

The health benefits continue, specifically in women. Orgasms in women trigger blood flow to the vaginal region and release pain relieving chemicals. According to frequent orgasms in women can improve bladder control, help and relieve premenstrual and menstrual cramps and build stronger pelvic muscles.

Another study, done by Harvard Medical School, found that men who had frequent ejaculations were less likely to get prostate cancer before the age of 70. For men, hitting the home run can grant benefits beyond just basic preventative measures. A study done by Planned Parenthood found that men who had frequent orgasms during intercourse were at a lower mortality risk than those who sex less often had

Boning affects you more than just physically, it also increases positive emotions, making you happier. For starters, getting nasty is mainly responsible for feelings of attachment and love. Orgasms release a complex series of chemicals in the brain that bond you to your partner, or that hook up on Tinder. Sex releases chemicals called endorphins that reduce pain, elevate mood and can help prevent depression.

So whether you are in a committed relationship, or just looking to get jiggy when your roommate is gone, breathe easy college student. Sex improves our physical, emotional and cognitive help, with almost no downsides if you practice it safely. So next time you are stressed about that exam, or just need a quick pick me up, get on your favorite app or get outside and meet some people and get some exercise.

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