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Have no fear the yearbook is (almost) here

Stefanie Erickson | Cigar The first URI yearbook was published in 1899, originally called ‘The Grist’, now called ‘The Renaissance Yearbook’.

Undeniably, purchasing a yearbook is a great way to hold memories close and look back at a fun-filled college experience for years to come. For this reason, students here at the University of Rhode Island are encouraged to purchase a copy of the Renaissance Yearbook. Books are expected to ship out in June, but despite this, these past few years have been lacking an on-time book, specifically the 2017 edition, which is still nowhere in sight. Those who did opt to order a 2017 book have not received any information regarding their purchase, and are angry about it.

Recent graduate and former editor-in-chief of the cigar, Casey Kelly, is one of the many who continues to grow increasingly frustrated with the situation.

“We were given the option to order a yearbook when we ordered our senior portraits, so we could just pay for it all at once,” Kelly recalls about her experience. After getting her portraits in the mail but no sign of a yearbook, Kelly sent several emails about her missing book, specifically to Renaissance Yearbook Editor-In-Chief Emily Jost. The first email, sent in late June, was replied to with assurance that the book was just running late and should be arriving soon, but after having still not recieved her book by August, Kelly emailed Jost again, but this time received no response.

Getting the books out on time has been a problem since 2014, when the entire staff quit.

“They left behind an unfinished book and no recruitment plan for the upcoming fall,” Jost said.“When I joined… I became 1 of 4 staff members making it really easy to fall behind, especially with two books to finish.”

Austin Cordova, chairman of Student Organization Advisory and Review Committee (SOARC) of the Student Senate, has not received any direct questions regarding the whereabouts of the 2017 book from those who are still waiting for theirs, although the yearbook does fall under his position as a funded organization. Cordova has contacted Jost about the unfortunate situation though, who tells him that, “they are working on it and should have it ready within the next couple of months.” Cordova said. “Our student groups do a good job of working towards their goals and I feel that the yearbook will do their best to finish their book and have it out in a timely manner.”

If you’re one of the unlucky bunch who is still waiting on a copy of the 2017 book, worry not because yours should be on the way soon. “A lot of work goes into producing these and sometimes a small staff makes it difficult to keep up,”  Jost said. Although the books have been late, Jost assures everyone that they are catching up quickly and still says that she is, “really proud of all the work put into them.”

“It’s amazing looking back at the year and seeing everything that’s happened,” as Jost puts it.

Want to help with the book and make your mark? The Renaissance Yearbook office is located in room 123 of the Memorial Union.

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