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Student Senate Report: 1/31


On Wednesday night, Senator Howard and Senator Schneidereit announced their candidacy for President and Vice President of Student Senate, to succeed the current President Ryan Buck and Vice President Ro Percy. The two candidates stressed that their campaign is lead by ideas and that they wish to make campus a safe, inclusive and driven university.

Multiple clubs came to the Student Senate chambers with the hope of being recognized, one such organization was the Sports Medicine Club. This organization is open to all majors in science but specifically Kinesiology majors. They were unanimously voted to be recognized as an organization on campus.

Student Advisory Council also came to be recognized by Senate. The group consists of students who are handpicked by professors to serve on this council. Once the students are picked, they are interviewed by the dean to make sure they are fit for the position. The group was also unanimously voted to be recognized as an organization on campus.

Lastly, nominations for Campus Chair were held. Senator Watka and Senator Strobel were both nominated for the position. The two nominees were asked an array of questions to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their ability to delegate. The two Senators answered the questions with expertise but in the end Senate voted Senator Watka to be the new Campus Chair.

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