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10 things to do on Friday nights when you’re bored and there’s nothing going on:

We’ve all been there, it’s a Friday night and you and your friends cannot think of anything to do. There are no parties going on, the gym is closed, you don’t want to do your homework because, hello it’s Friday, and you’re at the point where you would rather operate on yourself without anesthesia instead of watching another episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Well, the good news is that  there are still plenty of activities to do on campus if you use your imagination, and you don’t have to use your imagination because I’ve come up with things for you! Here are ten things to do on weekend nights when inevitable boredom strikes:

  1. Hold a viking funeral for your painted pumpkin in the pond behind Ellery Hall.
  2. Learn how to belly dance in your room- it’s a skill everyone needs to know and there are endless tutorials on YouTube.
  3. Think of warm coleslaw. Then think of all the guys or girls you’ve had romantic encounters with in the past. Record all of the similarities, or differences if you can find any, between the two of them.
  4. Get a few friends together and go ghost hunting in East Hall. Apparently the men’s bathroom in the basement is haunted, along with a few other rooms. Another fun activity in East Hall is climbing out of the window on the third floor and hanging out on the flat part of the roof…not that I’ve done it…but if you find it, the window leading out to the flat roof will unlock and lift up.
  5. Wander around the ruins of the Fine Arts Center. It’s like ancient Roman ruins but without the interesting history and instead with tons of shattered beer bottles!
  6. Go to the Catholic Center’s sanctuary and say a quick prayer for good luck on your chemistry exam (you can only do this if you’re in chemistry, sorry I don’t make the rules).
  7. Get a lip tattoo. They disappear after 5 years and your parents will never find out!
  8. Hold a bathroom party. Bathrooms are fun but they’re even more fun when it’s a single person bathroom, you and your seven friends hang out in there for a little bit, you don’t lock the doors and then someone accidently walks in on you and your gang just chilling.
  9. Lay on the floor and have old fashioned oats be sprinkled in your ear – “apparently” it sounds like a waterfall.
  10. Have a sleepover with two or three of your closest friends. The only rule is that you all have to sleep in only one of your dorm rooms’ twin bed- all of you. Get close and comfy and prepare to not sleep. I would not recommend this activity if you’re claustrophobic or you don’t like your friends.
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