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Tips and Tricks for Transitioning Back to School

Summer may not be officially over until September 23, however, classes are in full swing and therefore, grind season is back baby. While getting back in the routine of going to classes five days a week, eating three meals a day and getting a reasonable amount of sleep may feel daunting, there are many helpful steps that can be taken to transition back into the school year and start the semester off on the right foot. 

For starters, there are many great resources on campus that students can take advantage of in order to have a successful semester. The Academic Enhancement Center, located in Roosevelt Hall, is a great place to go if you’re struggling in a class, having a difficult time grasping a concept, or even if you need clarification on a subject matter. Not everyone can be a wiz in physics, chemistry, or any other subject for that matter, but the great news is that there are students who are brilliant is specific subjects and are available for students to use in order to be successful in their classes.

Dropping in on your professors office hours is another great opportunity to take advantage of. Whether you have a question or just want to say hello, professors are always glad to have students come to their office hours, and it is a great way to show that you care about their class and helps you gain credibility.

If you live on campus, your resident advisor is another great resource available for you to reach out to with questions you have about additional resources on campus, transitioning from being away from home or navigating your way in life. Whether you are a first year student or an upperclassman, all of your RAs have office hours and need love and attention from their residents as well. 

Living a healthy lifestyle and forming healthy habits is also a crucial part of starting off the semester on the right foot. Going to the gym is a great way to destress and boost endorphins. To quote the legendary Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t!” While you may not be married – and unless you’re a sociopath – you most likely have people in your life that you care about. Keeping the people that you care about close, having them be a support system and being one in return, is a great way to decrease stress in your life.

Last but not least, eat a few fruits and veggies everyone once in a while. I know y’all don’t want scurvy and maybe it’s because I am addicted to that natural sugar high fruit gives me, but I swear that eating food that is packed with nutrients makes your brain feel happier. 

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