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Student Senate Report 04/08

At the Student Senate’s annual meeting for the 2020-21 academic year, senators celebrated another successful year, said farewell to graduating seniors, swore in the new Student Senate and passed two bills.

The Senate passed two bills at the beginning of the meeting to start two new organizations on campus, Timmy Global Health and URI Music Boosters.

Timmy Global Health is an organization that raises funds and advocates for health care around the world. URI Music Boosters is an organization that will promote ensembles and support music-making on campus.

The bills were passed with 21 and 20 votes, respectively.

Campus Affairs Chair Michael Bentley announced that the menstrual products for his free menstrual products bill were delivered to the Memorial Union this past Monday. However, he said that he does not know where they are currently being stored. He said that the products will be distributed once he can find them. 

Bentley also announced that he had his last meeting with the motorized scooter company SPIN, which hopes to bring motorized scooters to campus sometime in the near future. Bentley said that he and the company discussed logistics at this meeting and he hopes to see the scooters on campus after he graduates.

Four student senators are graduating at the end of this semester, and all four shared their farewell speeches at the meeting. 

Director of Information Sarah Margolin thanked the Student Senate for making her transition into her position easier. 

“I have been a part of several organizations during my time at URI, but I’ve never felt more welcomed than I have by the Student Senate,” Margolin said. “I can safely say that the University of Rhode Island Student Senate is a group of the warmest and brightest people.”

Campus Affairs Chair Michael Bentley told the story of his first-ever Senate meeting and reflected on his “great” time on the Student Senate. Off-Campus Senator Rossvierlin Cajigas thanked the Senate for making her first-and-only year fun and memorable, despite the pandemic.

Former President Austyn Ramsay said joining Student Senate was the “best decision [she] has ever made in her life.” 

“[The Senate] has been my home, my family, my escape and one of the only things that has kept me going,” said Ramsay. “I’m so honored to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Senate for the past three years.”

Ramsay continued to personally thank chair members for their help and support during her term serving on the Student Senate.

The new president and vice president of the Student Senate, Bolu Taiwo and Madyson Ramsay, were sworn in by former President Austyn Ramsay. The other senators were then sworn in by President Taiwo.

Taiwo nominated senator Yazmin Diaz for Director of Information, Randy Urena for Director of Operations and Chris Hoover for the Director of Treasury position. Ethan Jedson was nominated for the Court.

The next Student Senate meeting will be next Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

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