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Allison Magnus: tuned into Rhody

Tune into the scoop on who’s behind the mic, Allison Magnus. PHOTO CREDIT: Hannah Charron | Staff Photographer

Room 328 in the Memorial Union is not only the center of the University of Rhode Island’s student-run radio station, WRIU, but also the office of fourth-year student Allison Magnus.

Magnus currently works as the general manager of WRIU and is double majoring in English and film.  

“One of the big appeals of coming to URI was actually the student radio station,” Magnus said. 

Coming from Long Island, URI is a distance away from home for her, but one that she said she finds worthwhile. 

When she joined WRIU as a freshman, Magnus didn’t imagine that her track would lead her to where she is now. “I started out small, having a little music radio show that turned into working as program director for the online station. I became FM director and now I’m general manager of the whole thing.” 

Magnus said her creative involvements are outlets mentally as well as places to project her voice and creativity. The structure of a student-run radio station allows it to be more personalized when compared to a station run by a much larger organization. As a result, Magnus said she feels like WRIU represents a part of herself. 

While WRIU takes up a lot of Magnus’s time, her involvement does not end there. She is also the president of the archery club, involved in the outing club, and a Harrington Ambassador.

Magnus said she believes her life is 50 percent school and 50 percent involvement. She also said she would like to spread this philosophy of involvement, especially to the incoming first-year students. 

“I started out in about 10 clubs my freshman year, I did everything from newspaper, I did sailing, I did archery, I was in art club, I was in fencing– for a day, I did puppy raisers club,” Magnus said. “I tried everything on campus, from theater to sports and eventually I pared down to the things I really enjoy.”

Magnus joked that if there ever comes a time where she would need to use a bow and arrow, she would know exactly what to do. However, she explained that her involvement has not only given her knowledge specific to each discipline, but they have also taught her the skills that come along with being a leader.

She explained that her four years of involvement, being general manager and a Harrington ambassador taught her skills that would be valuable to many different careers. These skills include delegation, time management and communication.

Magnus has big plans for the future, seeking a career in screenwriting for television. Her double majors in English and film are intentional for this path, although she admits that it is often a nontraditional career. 

Sophia Melville is another fourth-year student who has known Magnus for her entire time at URI. Majoring in Film, Wildlife and conservation biology, Melville spoke about her friend who was, at one point, a randomly assigned roommate.

“She throws caution to the wind, and just goes for things. She goes first and worries later. She is think less, do more–– but in a good way” she added hastily. Having been her roommate for 4 years, she told me that she had dragged along to countless things that she would never consider otherwise.

As to the future, Magnus would like to move back to Scotland, her 2022 spring semester study abroad destination.

 “I met so many amazing people and lifelong friends,” Magnus said. “I got to see all the world has to offer and it definitely changed my perspective on so many things, especially my future career and life path after college.” 

While Allison Magnus is not certain what her career and future holds, she said her internal compass is pointing her in the direction of writing for television. This direction and aspiration being something she said she has discovered at the University of Rhode Island.

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