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How Rhody celebrates spooky season

Spooky Season: The best time of the year with the best movies of the year

October, also known as the spooky season, is one of the most wonderful times of the year and also nostalgic.

Colorful autumn leaves fall into place, pumpkin spice lattes are being sipped, blankets are draped on cozy living room couches and “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version)” is blasting through open car windows. The one aspect that makes the spooky season what it is are the movies!

Some classic movies that are watched at this time are “Hocus Pocus,” “Halloweentown,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “Beetlejuice”. These movies fulfill the season’s expectations with their classic Halloween plotlines and nostalgia. Not only are movies a big part of the spooky season, but the traditions that come with this fun-filled season have a huge impact on many people. Common traditions that some people commonly have during this time of year are trick-or-treating, going out to fun Halloween parties and pumpkin picking. Some of the students at University of Rhode Island have strong connections to Halloween movies, especially during this time of year.

Aniket Makhija, a third-year dietetics and nutrition major from Westford, Massachusetts, loves this season, but unfortunately his workload is very high.

“I’m not really sure what I’m gonna be doing for Halloween because I am really busy most of the time,” Makhija said. “However, I would like to watch ‘Hocus Pocus’ or any very fun Halloween movie that is not scary because I’m too much of a wimp.”

Kayla Lobbe, a third-year psychology major from Bronx, New York, is incredibly passionate about this season. Lobbe shared that her love of scary movies is mixed with nostalgia.

“When I was younger and cable was still a thing I’d watch the horror movie channel which back then was channel 777 for anyone who lived in NY and had Optimum,” Lobbe said. “I got introduced to classics like the Evil Dead and even some oldies like ‘M’. I’m hoping to rewatch all the Friday the 13th films cause I kinda do a build up to Halloween night and on Halloween I always watch the original Halloween and Halloween 2. I know it gets a lot of hate but if it’s not too late I’ll also watch the Rob Zombie Halloween”

Izzy Cappucci, a second-year double majoring in psychology and human development and family science from South Kingstown shared her appreciation for the season and for feeling truly spooked while watching scary movies.

“I love scary movies but I have yet to find one that has actually scared me,” Cappucci said. “I love the older Halloween movies that actually are a bit scary. My boyfriend and I will definitely be watching the classics this year! I don’t really have any Halloween traditions. I am super excited for spooky season though!”

From these students’ perspectives, they are looking forward to a spooky yet fun time during October. It is a very exciting time of year and also a very busy one, according to Aniket. Midterms are around the corner, which is scary itself, and it is always a nice thing to carve some time out of your life, and some pumpkins, to add in some coziness and spookiness while also enjoying the crisp fall air!

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