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Rock & Swap: Musician’s Guild electrifies Ram’s Den

On Nov. 17, the University of Rhode Island Musician’s Guild held their fourth annual Rock & Swap concert in the Ram’s Den. This unique battle of the bands has individual musicians sign up, rather than bands. Two weeks before the show, bands are assigned randomly, giving them a limited amount of time to learn and perform both a cover and an original song. This year, the first band to perform, the “Wicked Pissahs,” won the competition with their original song, and a cover of “Fences” by Paramore.

15: A signature feature of Rock & Swap are the names of the bands. Pictured here are “Charlie Brown, Do Not Go and Try To Kick The Football, She’s Going To Pull It Away, She Does Not Want You To Kick It.”

14: Rock & Swap had its most participants ever this year, with nine bands performing throughout the night.

27: Vic Paulino, president of the Musicians Guild, performed with “Couchlock,” dressed as the animatronics from “Five Nights at Freddie’s”

13: The second band, “Vaguely Irritated”, had a powerful presence throughout their set.

02: The “Wicked Pissahs” won the battle of the bands, even playing with a substitute guitarist who learned their set the day prior.

BW: The last band, “Ballz,” was a crowd favorite, performing “Would” by Alice in Chains, and capturing the audience.

BW1: Certified Lover Boys played “Higher” by Creed, and an original rap song to roaring applause.

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