There’s no better way to reach the URI campus than through The Good 5 Cent Cigar! We look forward to helping you advertise to the URI community through our print newspaper and website.
Contact us at to get started or fill out a classified form! Contact our business manager directly at!
Why advertise with us?
- Undergraduate students: 14,653
- Graduate students: 1,982
- Certificate/non-degree students: 1,339
- Faculty: 1,146
- Alumni-base: Over 125,800
*All numbers are based on Spring 2019 data
The Good 5 Cent Cigar
Published every Thursday morning while classes are in session
Print distribution: 1,700 copies, distributed free to 32 locations on campus
Online Traffic from Fall to Spring semesters (February 2018 – February 2019):
- 58,625 unique users
- 138,870 page views
- 1.85 pages/session; 1:04 average session duration
- 60.75% mobile users
- Top users from Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, Connecticut, Washington, New Jersey, and 43 others…
Print Ad Rates
If you are a business within Washington County you are eligible to be listed under the local deals page of our website, which will allow you to place an ad or coupon at a 20 percent discounted rate. Interested, eligible businesses should contact our business manager at