URI Theatre presents movie classic next spring

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The University of Rhode Island’s Theatre Department is set to present “Legally Blonde- The Musical” in Spring 2016.

Sydney Rosenberg, a senior at URI, is assistant director alongside Alexandra Egan, a senior at URI, for this year’s production. Both Rosenberg and Egan said they are very excited to be working together, behind the scenes for a change.

“As of right now it’s been a lot of fun being assistant director,” Rosenberg said. “Being able to work with Paula McGlasson, who’s our department chair and director of the musical we’ve been able to see what she writes down during auditions and see what she’s looking for in specific characters.”

Auditions began Monday evening for juniors and seniors in the theatre program, and Tuesday evening for freshman, sophomores and the community. Rosenberg said it’s been really fun watching all the dances and getting to see people who really excel and let their personalities shine in their auditions.

Those who auditioned were asked to memorize two songs from contemporary musicals that were 32 bars each; one a ballad and the other uptempo. Also, they will be required to participate in a dance competition after breaking up into small groups. Some of the characters include, Elle Woods, Paulette and Vivienne Kensington.

Christine Dickenson, a senior at URI, described that her audition helped her confidence grow.  She said that the process was nerve-wracking, but she felt more trained for this because of her experience with previous auditions.

“One thing that I’ve learned is that you’re never going to not be nervous for an audition,” Dickenson said. “If you’re not nervous for an audition then you’re probably not doing it right because you don’t have the right adrenaline and fuel to push yourself.”

Like many “Legally Blonde” fans, Dickenson fell in love with the “Legally Blonde-The Musical” when it first came out. She said she finds it to be extremely “empowering,” to present a young woman that everyone just sees as something to look at, but in the end, she proves to everyone and herself that she’s more than that.

For others auditioning for this musical this will be a building block for their acting career. Freshman Brandon Lovejoy, a theatre major with a concentration in acting, said getting a part in the show will be his second show with the URI theatre program. He performed in the ensemble of the recent play, “The Caucasian Chalk Circle.” He described his experience as “amazing.”

“I’m excited to continue forth with the URI Theatre Program,” Lovejoy said. “’The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ had such a strong ensemble and we worked really well together and as a freshman that’s just something I was really excited about to see a theatre department be so welcoming to freshman.”

Callbacks for the musical will be announced Saturday, Dec. 12 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Rehearsals begin Saturday, Feb. 27. Check out the show coming to the URI Fine Arts Center this April.

The musical will be showing at 7:30 p.m. on April 21-23 and 28-30, 2016, and at 3 p.m. on April 24 and May 1, 2016.

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