Love is in the air, but what about the music?

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Roses are red, violets are blue, check out these tunes for your lover and you! That’s right, Rhody Rams, it’s just days away before Cupid’s arrow comes after lovers all over campus. You won’t want to miss these tunes that will give that special someone a reason to love you even more this Valentine’s Day.

  1. Big Poppa– The Notorious B.I.G.

The Notorious B.I.G., also known as Biggie Smalls, is a classic to set the mood for the evening, especially if you’re “a true player.” With just the right beat, the two of you will be cool, calm and collected while relaxing to the smooth feel of Biggie’s jams.

  1. Sexy Can I– Ray J

Throwing it back to 2008, Sexy Can I will give you some pointers on how to ask that special someone to be your valentine (just be sure to pardon your manners). Hey, you may even get a Kodak moment out of it.

  1. Marvin’s Room– Drake

With this song, you’ll be bringing it back to 2011 when Drake was up and coming in the music industry. This song, titled Marvin’s Room, will give you the courage to tell that special someone that you have feelings for them. Also, Drake has melted many girls hearts with this song, so why not give it a shot?

  1. Body Language– Kid Ink Feat. Usher and Tinashe

With this 2015 hit, you and your valentine “don’t have to say too much,” because you can read their body language. Of course, be sure to make enough eye contact to feel out the situation and then make your move. Everything you hoped for will happen because all you need is the body language.

  1. Love Me Like You Do- Ellie Goulding

Not only is this song perfect if your special someone loved 50 Shades of Grey, but it also gets straight to the point by blatantly stating “love me like you do” and “touch me like you do.” If that doesn’t say “hold me tight and tell me you love me,” then I don’t know what will. It’s also cute and sweet, which people admire.

  1. Often- The Weeknd

Let me just start by saying that any song by The Weeknd will set the mood for you and your lover. This song will make your admirer appreciate you, showing them that you know exactly what makes them happy; whether it be those specific chocolates they could eat until they feel like puking or their favorite Netflix-binging series, this song will seal the deal for your valentine.

Take these songs and use them to get the valentine that you’ve been admiring from afar or to rekindle the flame in a current relationship.

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