Chill out with Flow

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On April 22, 2018, Flow, an expression-based club, will be hosting the first ever “Flow Fest” at the University of Rhode Island.

President and founder of URI Flow, Scott Botelho, explained that URI Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) will not be hosting Hempfest as they have done in previous years due to discrepancies in funding, and to fill that gap Flow has decided to try to host their own organized event.

“We basically do everything without the responsibility of doing anything,” said Botelho.

Following the model of the group, the event will also be very open. The theme for the event is an open Quadrangle and open mic, and while activities are ongoing, visitors are welcome to participate in whatever they’d like to and come and go as they please.

Flow will be setting up their slacklines—the beginner line for those inexperienced in tightrope walking—as well as their giant swings and tapestry tent. The tapestry tent serves as an acoustic tent for drumming and the hammocks provide a cozy environment for hanging out.

Flow Fest will kickoff at 2 p.m. with a 30-minute yoga session to get everyone moving, followed by a 30-minute Gong Bath meditation. Keeping with the zen introduction, participants will be invited to join in a guided meditation led by a Tibetan Monk.

Afterwards, the audience can expect several live musical performances, as well as a capoeira demo and lesson. Flow has some musicians lined up, but all should feel welcome to step up onto the main stage and put on a performance.

Organizing the free event has been fun for Botelho, who started planning only a few weeks before the event.

“The main thing about Flow is taking on challenges,” said Botelho. “Challenges push you, teach you lessons and help you to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically.”

Botelho says Flow Fest will very much be a community event. Any clubs or organizations that wish to hold a both at the event are welcome to reach out to Botelho directly or through the URI Flow email address.

Unlike Hempfest, there was not enough time to coordinate with food trucks for the event. However, Botelho has reached out to International Pocket in the Emporium to place a group order around lunch time.

“International Pocket does takeaway and they can pump out mad sandwiches and have them delivered to the quad,” said Botelho.

Throughout planning, Botelho refers to it all as imaginary stress, where it doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t turn out, everyone will still have fun anyway.

“Even if nothing happens, we’re just going to have our slacklines, swings and tapestry tent, and we’ll just be chilling no matter what,” said Botelho.

Collaborating with URI Electric Music Association, Botelho says if the 22nd is rained out to join EMA for their event on the 28th.

“They’re coming to our event with their speakers, and we’re going to their event with our slack lines, so either way come see us on the quad,” said Botelho.

Sunset yoga at 6:30 p.m. will bring everyone together one last time to calm down after the long day, and the rest of the night will be finishing off live music and staying warm inside the tapestry tent.

Encouraging everyone to come in an open, explorative, and creative mindset, Botelho says, “come for the peak experience, stay for the community, play, dance, swing, perform, teach and learn. Take on challenges you never thought you could or sit back, relax and watch the shenanigans.”

Festivities will begin at 2:00 p.m. on the quad and all are welcome to come and participate.