“My family makes Pillsbury cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.”
Courtney Cummings, human development and family science major, ‘24

“My parents host a Solstice party which happens on December 21. There’s a bonfire which is supposed to spread more light when there’s the most darkness.”
Rosa Mohrmann, psychology and Spanish major ‘23

“Making cookies or any desserts is my tradition.”
Owen McGale, biological sciences major, ‘23
“Traditionally, right after thanksgiving, my family will go chop down a tree. I like having a real tree rather than a fake tree.”
Kyle Warila, biological sciences major, ’23

“My favorite Christmas movie is ‘A Christmas Story.’”
Johneli Jimenezi-Diaz, animal science major, ’24

“If you’re decorating in November, I think you kind of have a problem.”
Rowan Hanley, economics major, ’26

“I’m the polar opposite of Ebenezer Scrooge, if I could, I would have a Christmas tree up in my home 24/7.”
David R LeClair, art major, ’26
“My favorite part about Christmas isn’t the day, it’s the season.”
Emma Dean, chemistry major, ’26
“My mom has put up the Christmas tree in August before, she has the Christmas tree up now. I feel like if you enjoy Christmas, put it up in September if you want.”
Riss Rogers, biomedical engineering and computer science major, ’26