Student Senate Report 11/15

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This week at the University of Rhode Island Student Senate: eight new elected Senators were sworn in by President Rizk. Each elected Senator introduced themselves and stated what they plan to do while serving their roles.

Head Jurist of the Court Daniel Tarazi reported that Senator Samuel Dumas has not been attending meetings, which violates the bylaws section of the Senate, according to Tarazi.

Moderator Chadronet said that if a Senator misses up to three meetings unexcused, they have broken rules and it is customary to expel them from the Senate with the chance for appeal. If there is no attempt or the attempt is considered irrelevant, they are officially removed. He then accepted a motion to remove Senator Dumas.

Senator Mayers motioned to remove him and it passed.

Then, the Senate discussed a bill calling for increased course availability during course selection periods. Chair Peckham said that her committee has talked about how course availability is a struggle.

“It’s a fight every year for every single student but with a first come first serve policy, it’s more detrimental for commuters and students who work,” Peckham said. “So they may not be available at 8 a.m. in the morning to pick their classes.”

Senator Palmer asked if the selection process would be different this year. Peckham said that she would expect it by next semester or next year because of the changes needed to be made in e-campus.

All Senators approved the bill and it passed.

After the bill was approved, a resolution calling for higher capacity and full access of University of Rhode Island wifi was addressed. Peckham said that Senator Newman went to IT services and they said they cut back on routers so only 100 students had access in classrooms. According to Peckam, it’s an equitable access issue.

“We’re asking for modems and extenders to be put into high traffic areas like the library and lecture halls,” Peckham said.

The Senators approved the resolution.

Then, Chadronet moved to a general discussion open forum. In the general discussion, Chair Rudolph pointed out that in the minutes, the election certification bill says University Senate when it should be University of Rhode Island Student Senate.

“We won’t have any January 6’s on my watch,” Rudolph said.

Chair Hoover met with the South Kingstown police chief who said there were speeding complaints on Kingstown Road and it’s become a big problem. He asked that people be mindful of how fast everyone’s going, especially in residential areas.

Hoover also said that Rhody Today will add an off-campus newsletter starting in February.

Chair Peckham added that students can file academic complaints if they have an issue with a professor or a syllabus through the Student Senate website. She emphasized that the only way the complaint can be addressed is if the student talks to the professor first and then goes to the website. The student cannot DM or email the Senate.

Finally, Chair Buono said that Dining Services and Composting will be coming to the next meeting.

The Student Senate will meet next Wednesday, Nov. 22.