Police Beat: 2/23-3/2

Five drug offences occurred on the University of Rhode Island campus between Monday, Feb. 24 and Thursday, Feb. 27.

The first offence, at Hutchinson Hall on the evening of Feb. 24, was due to the possession of marijuana and handed over to student conduct. A report was filed, however no arrests were made.

The second offence occurred on Tuesday Feb. 25 at Peck Hall. Officers arrived at the scene at 9:10 p.m. and cleared the scene at 9:34 p.m. after locating drug paraphernalia.

Three drug offences were reported on Thursday afternoon at Heathman Hall due to the possession of multiple contraband items, including drug paraphernalia and alcohol. No arrests were made, however the responsible pirates were reported to student conduct.

Marijuana was also found during a motor vehicle stop on Friday. The driver was stopped on the corner of Plains Road and West Alumni Avenue at 5:35 p.m., with two more officers arriving at the scene at 5:41 p.m. The scene was cleared 20 minutes later with no arrests made, however a report was later filed.

A fire alarm was pulled at Fayerweather Hall on Saturday afternoon. An officer arrived on the scene at 3:35 p.m. to find the alarm had been pulled incorrectly. URI police later determined the alarm pull to be of malicious intent, according to Lt. Thomas Quaratella.