The University of Rhode Island Student Senate met Wednesday to pass a bill for the annual re-recognition of all student senate approved organizations, discuss elections and review the senate budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
The re-recognition process for student-run organizations has multiple steps, according to Student Organizations Chair John Milner.
Organizations who have failed to complete the re-recognition and budget forms will be de-recognized, according to Milner.
Organizations who completed the budget form but not the re-recognition form will be recognized, however their budget will be frozen if all forms are not turned in by April 1.
The student senate is working to standardize the re-recognition process, in order to avoid last-minute budget issues, according to Director of Treasury Nicholas Cronan.
The student senate discussed upcoming elections, which will occur between March 25 and March 27, closing off at 5 p.m.
There are 40 seats in the student senate, and almost 40 applications have been submitted, making for what has the “potential” to be a very competitive election cycle, Committee Chair Elaine Sorto-Justiniano said.
A presidential and vice presidential debate for the student senate will occur the week after spring break.
The senate reviewed the budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. This budget will be voted on during the next meeting, on March 19.
If the budget is approved, every re-recognized club will receive at least what they received this year in funding, if not more, according to Cronan.
“We really tried to reference the amount this year and the year before,” Cronan said. “We just felt this gave [student senate] a better historical sense of their funding.”
The senate also considered the budget versus actuals which essentially emphasises how much of the money the senate gives, clubs are actually spending, versus how much revenue they are generating income wise,” Cronan said.
The student senate budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year is planning to be moved from $1.3 million up to $1.4 million.
Funding for organizations will not roll over if it isn’t used, according to Cronan. Unused money would be reallocated by the senate.
Any club which has run for four or more years that did not turn in a request will automatically not be receiving funding for this next fiscal year, Cronan said.
The next student senate meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Union Room 300.