Student senate 3/19

The University of Rhode Island Student Senate met for presentations on housing developments, the Rhody Shuttle survey findings and passed a bill which certified the senate budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.

The housing developments presentation was introduced by Tom Cooley, assistant vice president of Housing and Residential Life and Student Development.

Cooley was joined by Gilbane housing development staff members who overviewed upcoming housing plans and changes.

During the presentation, senators were prompted to give feedback through an interactive slideshow where they could vote on design preferences for wellbeing spaces, academic success spaces, connection and social spaces, campus interior palettes and exterior design.

The slideshow was presented to help give designers feedback for future planning, according to Cooley.

URI Housing and Residential Life and Student Development plans on returning to senate next semester to give updates as the process for housing development moves along, according to Cooley.

Student senate Vice President Sanah Feroz gave a presentation on the bi-directional Rhody Shuttle Survey.

A bi-directional shuttle is a shuttle which moves in two directions between two locations, according to Feroz.

The survey had previously been discussed with the URI Department of Transportation and Parking over spring break, Feroz said.

A total of 974 students, staff and faculty members completed the survey with the bulk of replies coming from undergraduates, according to Feroz.

Respondents expressed heavy support for a bi-directional shuttle service, according to Feroz.

The main concerns expressed included “safety, convenience and accessibility,” Feroz said. Students expressed a heavy interest in bi-directional service from both the Rhodyville and Blue Line shuttles.

The next stage for this project will concern how bi-directional shuttles will be implemented, according to Feroz.

The senate passed a bill certifying the senate budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year, which was extensively overviewed at the last senate meeting on March 6.

Senate elections are rapidly approaching with the presidential and vice-presidential debate on Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences.

Elections will begin on Tuesday and continue until Thursday, March 27 at 5 p.m.

Voting for the election period next week will be on URI Involved, according to Lucas DeWitt, interim student senate advisor.

The next student senate meeting will take place on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Union Room 300.