Student Senate 9/25

The University of Rhode Island student senate dismissed three senators and passed a $350,000 funding bill during their general assembly meeting on Wednesday.

Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour came to announce the court had unanimously voted to dismiss Sens. Waseem Bahra, Clarsie Chamberlain and Arianna Pavaresh-Rizi. The dismissed senators exceeded their allowed three absences, Ebrahimpour said.

Ebrahimpour stressed the importance of accountability for student senators.

“You ran for [your positions], you earned your positions,” Ebrahimpour said. “Do good stuff.”

The senate passed Bill SS24-25, which allocated an additional $350,000 to WRIU for construction of their radio tower that had previously been damaged in a hurricane. The new funds may not be used, but are necessary to secure a bid, according to Director of the Treasury Nick Cronan.

“We already gave them $1.2 million, why not give them another $350,000,” Cronan said.

The vote passed with 24 votes and one abstention.

Sen. John Njende was appointed as vice president of the treasury, which prompted applause from the tables of senators.

Kelley Ryan, a representative from Violence Prevention and Advocacy Services, came to give a presentation overview of interpersonal violence resources. Students seeking help regarding interpersonal violence can find resources at URI Health Services.

The next student senate meeting will take place on Oct. 3 in the Memorial Union room 300 at 5:30 p.m.