Police Beat 2/16 – 2/23

This week, the University of Rhode Island Police addressed issues such as a mental health crisis, potential vandalism and motor vehicle accidents.

Two medical emergencies occurred at Health Services this week that required transportation to the hospital. One instance occurred on Thursday Feb. 20 and involved abdominal pain. Officials arrived at 3:10 p.m and the scene was cleared by 3:36 p.m. The other emergency, on Friday Feb. 21, involved a mental health crisis. Officials arrived at 7:21 p.m. and the scene was cleared by 7:24 p.m.

On Saturday, Feb. 22 there was a harassment complaint due to threatening phone calls and a report was filed.

On Sunday, there were reports of possible vandalism at Wiley Hall on Flagg Road, there were no reports required.

On Sunday Feb. 16 a motor vehicle accident occurred near URI Health Services on Butterfield Road involving two vehicles. Officers were on the scene at 8:20 a.m. and the scene was cleared by 8:30 a.m. A police report was filed. No injuries and minimal damages were reported.

On Wednesday Feb. 19 a motor vehicle accident occurred involving a moving vehicle and a parked car. Officers arrived on Flagg Road at 1:17 p.m. and cleared the scene by 2:13 p.m.