Kayla Albin

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Anti-Vaxxers Movement Does Not Threaten URI

Although the anti-vaxxers movement has become increasingly problematic across the nation, the University of Rhode Island has taken many precautions to ensure that students are protected from preventable infections. Nationwide, the anti-vaxxers movement has resulted in a comeback of some previously eradicated diseases, such as measles and tetanus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently…

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Awards Shows…Popular or Not?

(Left to right) Arianna Rizzo, Sunny Davis, Griffin Alix, Sarah Angeloni, Sarah Vinci, Veronica Wood, and Mason Martin attend an Oscars viewing party. Photo courtesy of Veronica Wood. With controversial winners, breathtaking performances and excessively long run-times, awards season has come and gone. Among some of the most prestigious and anticipated award shows are the…

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Flu Cases Rise at URI

The University of Rhode Island is experiencing an increase in the number of Flu and Flu Like Illnesses (ILI), mirroring trends in the state and the rest of the country. According to the Rhode Island Department of Health, the percent of Rhode Islanders with ILI is 6.59 percent compared to the rest of New England…

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