Megan Wallitsch

Coffee with a professor: Cynthia Taylor

Honors program professor Cynthia Taylor has been a member of the University of Rhode Island community for most of her life. After growing up around South Kingstown with her mother working at URI, then completing her bachelor’s and doctorate in anthropology at URI in 2003, to now teaching here since 2008, Taylor has made herself…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

ISE-UP program launches student competitions promoting sustainability, innovation

The Resilient, Innovative, Sustainable, Economies via University Partnerships, RISE-UP, program is inviting University of Rhode Island students to take part in their Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenges going until April 22. Each college at URI is sponsoring a real-world challenge that students can choose from to submit a pitch for. Each challenge is centered around a…

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