Nick Powers

The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Seasonal Smiles

Smiles Nick Powers Contributing Artist All those days that you “graciously” held my cheek with frozen hands, as my numb dimples slowly struggled to release their smirk. It was as if the harsh Winter could hear my cries– could hear the quiet snowfall of my seasonal transition. The sun beats down now and no longer…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Votes For A Puppet Show

Votes For A Puppet Show Nick Powers Moms behind bars, Dads all alone. The kids all play house Without hands to hold. The people are scared You’re unaware. They’re banning the books You wouldn’t read. All you can eat. They are hungry. Not safe in their skin– Like missing a piece. Boys and their souls…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Lessons From A River Otter

Nick Powers Contributing Artist I see the sparkle– Corona kissing Your boisterous splashing Whilst seemingly unaware Of the rapids that pull you east. I remember those days– The greens that Felt more alive Then they do now. You dip down out of sight– I imagine To dance along with the Sun’s Riverbed mosaic. Maybe to…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

[G] H [A] [Z] [A] L

Alarm bells bounce as the sun and I wake, this is it. We share a gaze that neither of us can keep, this is it. Leaves asleep–staining the concrete with their orange hue float away as I run by, this is it. She laughs so loud–the autumn tabby shrills, lively listening to her joyful tones,…

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