Ryan Estus

Amo wins CD-1, becomes R.I.’s first Black congressman

After nearly 67,000 votes were cast in Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District special election, a winner has been declared — Democrat Gabe Amo, former deputy director of intergovernmental affairs for the Biden Administration. Amo defeated Republican challenger Gerry Leonard Jr., making him the first person of color in Rhode Island history to represent the state…

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‘Finding the Center’: Second annual Langevin Symposium discuss political polarization

On Oct.17, the Langevin Symposium held its second event of 2023 in Edwards Auditorium, titled “Polarization and Politics in America: Finding the Center.” The event was moderated by former U.S. Representative Jim Langevin, who represented Rhode Island’s second congressional district in Washington for over twenty years, and is hosted by the University of Rhode Island…

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