Sadie Brandt

South County Health faces public criticism of management amid resignations

South County Hospital, the closest hospital to the University of Rhode Island, faced backlash following a Sept. 10 petition calling for changes in management after the resignation of several physicians. Three of four physicians in the hospital’s oncology department have resigned. The petition, an open letter addressed to hospital officials, cited “irreconcilable differences” as the…

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Student Senate 9/25

The University of Rhode Island student senate dismissed three senators and passed a $350,000 funding bill during their general assembly meeting on Wednesday. Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour came to announce the court had unanimously voted to dismiss Sens. Waseem Bahra, Clarsie Chamberlain and Arianna Pavaresh-Rizi. The dismissed senators exceeded their allowed three absences, Ebrahimpour said….

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What you may have missed: Trump, Harris presidential debate

Presidential candidates Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump met for their highly anticipated first debate on Sept. 10, where they tackled abortion, border security and economics. Kicking off the debate, m oderator David Muir questioned Harris on the state of the American economy. Harris emphasized her middle class upbringing and potential tax…

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Student Senate 9/18

The University of Rhode Island student senate addressed student arrests, nominated this year’s election committee and discussed last year’s election issues during their second general assembly of the semester on Wednesday. Ellen Reynolds, vice president of student affairs, gave a presentation regarding move-in, including the weekend’s arrests. 22 URI students were arrested over the first…

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