Sam Murray

Sam Murray is a senior at the University of Rhode Island majoring in journalism and minoring in business. Hailing from the great town of North Andover, MA, Sam lives and breathes New England sports while maintaining a sharp and vigilant eye on today’s important news around URI. Sam can also be heard on 90.3 WRIU talking about and broadcasting URI sports. You can reach Sam at [email protected] or on Twitter @smurray1212.

The Rollin’ Rams

Men’s basketball extends winning streak to 13 games Top: Jared Terrell soars to the baskest against Duquesne. Bottom: Rams “dog- pile” on Stan Robinson following his game-winning three as time expired on Saturday afternoon. Photos courtesy of Photo by Friday. The No. 22 University of Rhode Island men’s basketball team recorded their 12th and 13th…

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Murray’s weekly roundup

Need a place to find out what happened for each team on the campus of the Univer- sity of Rhode Island? Murray’s Weekly Roundup is a new feature to the Good 5 Cent Cigar’s sports section, where each week contributing sports reporter Sam Murray updates and recaps what each team accomplished over the past week. Need…

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