URI Ram Marching Band: Ram Marching Band opens season with a bang

Students turn stadium into stage Representing URI athletics and the music department, the Ram Marching Band makes a statement, spiriting the signature keaney blue. PHOTO CREDIT: Kat Sheridan From bedazzled Keaney blue outfits to a rhythmic, impressive performance, the University of Rhode Island’s Ram Marching Band stole the show with their first performance at the…

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Rhody native brings experience, passion as new director of symphony orchestra

Rhode Island native Sam Hollister joins URI as the director of the symphony orchestra while attending Yale for a Ph.D in musical arts. PHOTO CREDIT: Connor Zisk | Contributing Photographer When he began playing piano at the University of Rhode Island, 7-year-old Sam Hollister would have never imagined himself on the other side of the…

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Graduate interns create platform for discussions about current issues on campus

Blue Table Talks sessions highlight BIPOC student voices In efforts to amplify more voices, the GSC is holding Blue Table Talks in recognition of April being One Love Month, celebrating diverse identities on campus. PHOTO CREDIT: Spotify The office of Community, Equity and Diversity (CED), the Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC) and the Multicultural Student…

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