URI welcomes new college

The University of Rhode Island’s Kingston and Providence campuses launched the new Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies yesterday with celebrations on both campuses. Students, staff and alumni gathered to commend the university’s eighth college and learn about the additional opportunities it will provide for its traditional and adult students. According to…

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Sheldon Whitehouse addresses concerns on immigration, higher education

In anticipation of President Donald Trump’s revisions to the travel ban, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse met with professors at the University of Rhode Island on Monday to discuss immigration policies and their potential effects on higher education.         Organized by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the event provided a platform for nearly 100 professors…

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URI assures protections for transgender students following Title IX revision

Despite President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of federal protections for transgender students last week, the University of Rhode Island has publicly stated its continued commitment to protect all students, regardless of their gender identity. Apart from allowing students to use the bathroom that corresponded to their gender identity, interpretations of Title IX made during the Obama…

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