University celebrates first gen students in college transition

Students at the University of Rhode Island gathered on the Quad for National First Generation College Student Day on Friday, celebrating with music, food and access to campus resources. About one in three full-time, first-year students at URI are first-generation college students, according to URI’s website. To support these students in their transition to college…

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Professors fear ‘stifling of open thought’: What will come of Trump’s educational cutbacks?

Professors at the University of Rhode Island discussed how the potential removal of the United States Department of Education would reduce federal student aid under the new presidential administration. The Republican party has supported the removal of the Department of Education since it was established in 1980, according to URI professor political science Ashlea Rundlett….

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‘Build the workforce of tomorrow’: Staff weigh in on approval of ‘Yes on 2’

The University of Rhode Island biomedical sciences community is hopeful toward future research after the passing of the second bond question on Rhode Island’s ballot, which includes $87.5 million of funding to a new biomedical sciences building. The research-based building is designed to be constructed on Flagg Road and will welcome researchers and students from…

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Potential URI medical school to address in-state physician shortage

Discussions of a potential medical school at the University of Rhode Island continued as state and university leaders addressed the needs of primary care providers across the state at a special legislative commission on Oct. 29. University President Marc Parlange was present, along with seven other members of URI faculty and board members, including the…

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