Mold found on multiple floors of URI library, safety measures implemented

Mold that has spread throughout the Robert L. Carothers Library and Learning Commons and the University of Rhode Island is generating solutions for its removal. DAI General Contracting and safety and risk management has taken precautionary measures around the impacted areas of the library, such as covering the infected bookshelves, evaluating the ventilation systems and…

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Research program’s funding increases for disadvantaged students in biomedics

A University of Rhode Island biomedical research program has obtained a $200,000 grant to increase the number of disadvantaged first-year students receiving stipends and research opportunities, accepting seven students a year – up from last year’s five. The Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Educational Diversity program was designed with the aim to help students…

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‘We are foundational’ — MIT professor speaks on resilience to climate change

Susan Solomon, a professor of environmental sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, discussed past progress and present solutions to climate change in a lecture held at the University of Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay Campus on Monday. Solomon’s talk centered around her recently published book, “Solvable: How We Healed the Earth, and How We Can…

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Student Senate 10/16

The University of Rhode Island student senate convened Wednesday to discuss parking, position changes and the investigation of complaints. Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour attended the meeting to make senators aware of the confidential complaints. Senators will be interviewed one by one in the following weeks as the investigation continues. Ebrahimpour discouraged senators from speaking with…

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