URI offers scholarship fund for when “life happens”

In early September, a phone call between two longtime friends transformed into a $750,000 donation to the University of Rhode Island, which will provide emergency aid to students who experience sudden financial hardships. The Hayden Foundation, a philanthropic organization that gives away nearly $1 million annually to support education and animal welfare organizations, will donate…

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Discussing safety amidst development of new HIV preventative

Amidst the development of a new HIV preventative drug, University of Rhode Island faculty and staff are working to expand accessibility resources and diminish stigmas around HIV prevention. Lenacapavir is a newly developed pre-exposure prophylaxis, or preventative, drug taken twice yearly to stop HIV transmission, according to Dr. Christopher Nasin, the medical director at Health…

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Student Senate 9/25

The University of Rhode Island student senate dismissed three senators and passed a $350,000 funding bill during their general assembly meeting on Wednesday. Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour came to announce the court had unanimously voted to dismiss Sens. Waseem Bahra, Clarsie Chamberlain and Arianna Pavaresh-Rizi. The dismissed senators exceeded their allowed three absences, Ebrahimpour said….

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