P.I.N.K. Women share safety tips for campus community

PINK women hold on-campus safety events to educate the community. PHOTO CREDIT: Eddie Melfi | Staff Photographer On Thursday, Oct. 27, the University of Rhode Island’s P.I.N.K. (Powerful, Independent, Notoriously, Knowledgeable) Women organization held a safety awareness event for women and anyone else who wanted to come and listen. Aliviyah Perryman, a third-year psychology major…

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Researchers work to develop ocean-degradable plastics

URI’s Melissa Omand works with team to reduce environmental impact Pictured: An early model for biodegradable plastics. PHOTO CREDIT: uri.edu University of Rhode Island oceanographer Melissa Omand’s team of scientists and researchers recently began the testing phase for developing ocean-degradable plastics. After receiving Phase II funding from the National Science Foundation, Omand’s team, Nereid Biomedicals,…

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New Disability Advocacy Group founded at University

The Disability Advocacy Group is aiming to advocate for better accessibility for disabled people on campus. PHOTO CREDIT: uridisability.weebly.com For many years, people with disabilities at the University of Rhode Island have been fighting for improved accessibility and advocacy, according to the URI Disability Advocacy Group.   Annette Bourbonnierre, an external accessibility and inclusion consultant for…

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University finds success with open house sessions

Prospective students get preview of URI campus Held in the Welcome Center, URI’s annual open house welcomes many prospective students. PHOTO CREDIT: Maddie Bataille | Photo Editor The University of Rhode Island has traditionally held “Open House,” every fall where potential students, typically seniors in high school, can connect with professors, different major departments and…

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Student Senate Report 11/2/2022

Illustration by: Maddie Bataille | Photo Editor This week from the Senate floor: opposition to dining plans, hopes to make communal bathrooms a safer environment and events around campus. Before any events, announcements or policies passed, President Grace Kiernan announced an executive order for everyone to take their daily BeReal photo, as she was notified…

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Jane Ferguson educates URI community on ‘Humanity in War Reporting’

Fifteenth annual Christiane Amanpour lecture held in-person again PHOTO CREDIT: Hannah Charron | Staff Photographer The Harrington School of Communication and Media held its 15th annual Amanpour Lecture on Oct. 20 entitled “Humanity in War Reporting: Bringing Authentic Individual Experiences of War Into Conflict Journalism,” featuring award winning journalist Jane Ferguson.   The lecture series, named…

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