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Engineering, nursing highlight surge in record breaking number of first-year applications

The University of Rhode Island received a record number of first-year applications in the University’s undergraduate business and nursing programs for the fall 2024 semester. URI received 26,800 first-year undergraduate applications — a “notable increase” of 6%, according to a URI article . This number includes an increase in both in-state and out-of-state students. URI’s…

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Rainville awards recognize excellence in student leadership for 36th year

The A. Robert Rainville Student Leadership Awards held their 36th annual ceremony on Tuesday, April 10, in the Rainville Ballroom of the Memorial Union to commemorate students in leadership, honoring recipients in four categories. The awards focused on honoring outstanding campus employees, mission-driven teams, individuals demonstrating service to social causes and inspirational students that empower…

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President Parlange introduces college town halls to promote connection, communication

University of Rhode Island President Marc Parlange has implemented town halls into each college as a part of his 10-year strategic plan and new incentive-based budget model. The incentive-based budget model aims to place college deans in a position where they’re able to build programs between colleges and within colleges, Parlange said. The model will…

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New Department of Public Health to support next generation of public health practitioners

The University of Rhode Island College of Health Sciences has created their new Department of Public Health following increased community attention to public health after the COVID-19 pandemic. The chair of the new department, Molly Greaney, is also a professor for health studies here at URI. Before coming to URI, she was a research scientist…

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BSU, Women’s Center honor Black victims of police violence with vigil

Students gathered under cloudy skies to commemorate the lives of Black women murdered by law enforcement during an event hosted by the University of Rhode Island Black Student Union and the Women’s Center on Wednesday. The vigil honored 10 women, ranging from ages 11 to 44 years old: Ta’Nesha Chappell, Latoya Denise James, Priscilla Slater,…

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