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Student Senate Report 4/22

During their last meeting of the semester, the University of Rhode Island Student Senate held nominations for the Elections Committee.  Student Organizations Committee Chairwoman Katie Siegle was nominated by Senator Katherine Blake, Senator Christopher Bove was nominated by Senator Anabelle Gibson and Blake was nominated by Siegle. All three candidates were elected to the committee,…

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Student Senate Report 4/15

During this week’s meeting, the University of Rhode Island’s Student Senate voted on committee chair nominations for the standing committees in the Senate. Katie Siegle, Kyra Shindler, Grace Kiernan, Angelica Tyson and Emily Gamache were elected as Student Organizations, Academic Affairs, External Affairs, Cultural Affairs and Campus Affairs chairwomen, respectively.  The Student Senate spent a…

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Student Senate Report 3/11/21

The Student Senate passed two bills during this week’s meeting, dissolving the Instruments Committee and approving the menstrual product project in the Memorial Union. According to Instruments Committee Chair Christopher Bove, the Instruments Committee was implemented into the Student Senate constitution two years ago. “The Instruments Committee was never meant to be a committee to…

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Student Senate 3/4/21

The Student Senate passed a resolution recommending the Senate’s on-campus housing waitlist priority during this week’s meeting. Instruments Committee Chair Christopher Bove and Moderator Caleb Hilyard introduced a resolution to announce the Student Senate’s recommendation for a new housing waitlist priority due to the changes made recently by the Department of Housing and Residential Life….

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