Student Senate 9/25

The University of Rhode Island student senate dismissed three senators and passed a $350,000 funding bill during their general assembly meeting on Wednesday. Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour came to announce the court had unanimously voted to dismiss Sens. Waseem Bahra, Clarsie Chamberlain and Arianna Pavaresh-Rizi. The dismissed senators exceeded their allowed three absences, Ebrahimpour said….

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Mosquito-related viruses increase, University responds

The University of Rhode Island recommended precautionary measures on Sep. 20 in response to a nationwide increase in mosquito-related viruses. Rhode Island experienced upticks in the prevalence of both viruses among mosquito populations this year, according to URI’s medical director, Dr. Christopher Nasin. Both Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile virus are arboviruses, meaning they…

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Students organization plants seeds for sustainability

Engineers for a Sustainable World, a non-profit organization at the University of Rhode Island, is working to rebuild nearby pollinator habitats by collecting seeds and organizing plantings across campus. The group of eight students works in conjunction with invasion science professor Laura Meyerson’s NRS 401 class, Foundations in Restoration Ecology, according to third-year ESW student…

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