Gov. Raimondo launches initiative to save college students money

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo recently unveiled her new initiative to save college students money by creating openly-licensed textbooks for universities. Raimondo said that these “open textbooks” created by her initiative will make them free for students. She added that she has set a goal for the state of Rhode Island to eventually save college…

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Student Senate report: 10/5

Student Senate voted to recognize URI Flow as a funded student organization. URI Flow is a performing arts expression group that has been meeting unofficially since the summer. The group meets to do juggling, stunting, unicycling, free running, and talent shows. They pride themselves on inclusiveness and are looking to be the most diverse group…

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WATCH: Gov. Raimondo announces textbook initiative, URI pledges support

Gov. Gina Raimondo announced a new initiative last week that will help make textbooks more affordable for college students by making textbooks openly licensed. Raimondo’s plan hopes to save students $5 million dollars over the next five years. Openly licensed textbooks and open access resources are significantly cheaper than some textbooks used today. Rhode Island…

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New you should know

Local After a ruling in United States District Court, Brown University must permit a student expelled for sexual misconduct back into the university. The student, anonymously referred to as John Doe, brought a suit against the university after finding him responsible under a policy based on Title IX and not the university student code of…

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