‘Dress for Success:’  A century of businesswear

URI’s College of Business displays a gallery of business attire through history. PHOTO CREDIT: Connor Zisk | Staff Photographer To celebrate the College of Business’ 100th anniversary, the department of textiles, fashion merchandising and design (TMD) at the University of Rhode Island opened a new exhibit titled “Dressed for Business: A Retrospective Look at the…

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Food insecurity grant seeks to create ‘hunger free campus community’

Graphic by: Maddie Bataille | Photo Editor Around 30% of students that attend four-year colleges in the United States are food insecure, according to the University of Rhode Island Food Security Outreach Coordinator Barbara Sweeney. Food insecurity is the state of having limited or uncertain access to nutritionally adequate foods, according to the U.S. Department…

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Competitive menstrual product drive encourages involvement, community, charity

Menstrual product drive located in P.I.N.K. office. PHOTO CREDIT: Maddie Bataille | Photo Editor The University of Rhode Island’s Powerful, Independent, Notoriously, Knowledgeable (P.I.N.K.) Women is hosting a competitive menstrual product drive in order to raise awareness about reproductive rights and encourage community among the University’s multicultural organizations. After the Dobbs v. Jackson decision that…

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University continues utilizing student misconduct software

Maxient is a software used by universities to keep track of misconduct on campus. PHOTO CREDIT: maxient.com University of Rhode Island’s Dean of Students Dan Graney has recorded student conduct through Maxient, a software used to report and track student misconduct, since its introduction to the University in 2016. Graney’s position at URI involves overseeing…

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Newly elected Senate leadership discuss win, future plans

Ramez Rizk and Jonah Steinweh-Adler won the 2023 University of Rhode Island Student Senate presidential elections, becoming the president-elect and vice president-elect for the 2023-24 academic year.  Winning the election against current Student Senate Vice President Emily Gamache and Director of Treasury Chris Hoover, Rizk and Steinweh-Adler hope to use their experience as community leaders…

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Verified? Certified.

Harrington School launches new social media certificate New Social Media certificate allows students to be trained in the ever changing world of Social Media. PHOTO CREDIT: Connor Zisk | Staff Photographer The University of Rhode Island recently announced the creation of a new graduate certificate program focused on social media, run by the Harrington School…

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Student Senate Report 3/22/2023

Illustration by: Maddie Bataille | Photo Editor This week from the Student Senate: President-elect Ramez Rizk and Vice President-elect Jonah Steinweh-Adler spoke to the University of Rhode Island Student Senate General Assembly, Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator Carol Larsen and Keith Labelle addressed changes in federal Title IX regulations and the Senate began to discuss the…

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URI Farmer’s Market to provide first-hand nutrition experience for new student staff

Uri students can access free produce through URI Free Farmers Market. PHOTO CREDIT: Eddie Melfi | Staff Photographer The University of Rhode Island’s farmer’s market will be hiring new student staff in the upcoming weeks to promote nutrition education for college students and give them first-hand experience to realize where their food comes from.  “‘For…

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URI administration weighs in on potential affirmative action changes

As the United States Supreme Court nears its June verdict where it will reportedly reexamine the use of affirmative action in University admissions, many college admission departments are anticipating the possible impacts a court reversal could have on their admissions. Affirmative action is the favoring of individuals belonging to particular groups subject to discrimination as…

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Female marine scientists discuss gender harassment, inequality in oceanography

From left to right Katy Croff Bell, founder and president of Ocean Discovery League, an organization which focuses on accessible deep-ocean exploration, Fenix Garcia Tigreros, a GSO assistant professor and Rebecca Robinson, a GSO professor. PHOTO CREDIT: Connor Zisk | Staff Photographer To honor Women’s History Month, the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of…

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