Administration endorses ‘Catch-up Day’ before Thanksgiving

Professors encouraged to offer flexible classes The Faculty Senate, Interim Provost Laura Beauvais and President Marc Parlange recently informed the University community in an email there’s going to be a “Catch-up Day” on Wednesday, Nov. 24. PHOTO CREDIT: Siobhan Richards Asynchronous work, Zoom classes, office hours or a complete day off to get work done…

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New club highlights democratic socialism

According to the Democratic Socialists of America, democratic socialism is “a system where ordinary people have a real voice in our workplaces, neighborhoods and society.” The Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) is now a Student Senate-recognized student organization at the University of Rhode Island, looking to educate students on their ideology and meet with…

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CNN’s Abby Phillip presents the 14th annual Amanpour Lecture

CNN’s Abby Phillip talked with a small group of student journalists after hosting the 14th annual Amanpour Lecture. PHOTO CREDIT: Leila Cox When Abby Phillip was invited to host this year’s edition of the University of Rhode Island’s annual Amanpour Lecture by Christiane Amanpour herself, she was floored.  Phillip, anchor and senior political correspondent at…

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Conversation with trans activists highlights experiences, memoirs

Gender & women’s studies event remotely brings trans authors to campus P. Carl joined Merideth Talusan at URI to talk about their personal experiences in public as transgender activists and what inspired their latest award-winning stories. PHOTO CREDIT: The University of Rhode Island gender and women’s studies department hosted two award winning trans-rights activists…

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