Students lead ‘walkout’ to demonstrate unity in wake of presidential election

Following the results of the presidential election, students and faculty at the University of Rhode Island gathered on Tuesday to express solidarity for one another, as well as their concerns and hopes for the future. The event, which was originally scheduled to take place on the Quadrangle, was relocated to the Memorial Union Ballroom due…

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URI alumni couple reminisces about time at university, how they started giving their famous Bay Campus tours

The Coastal Institute at the Bay Campus in Narragansett offers a range of focuses within the Graduate School of Oceanography, but broader and richer than those focuses is the history of the area itself. Wayne and Bernice Durfee, alumni of the University of Rhode Island, have become historians for the Bay Campus and host yearly…

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Musicians, celebrities raise money for charities post-election

Since last Tuesday’s election, the shockwave that followed has reached far and wide, and left many people terrified. Marginalized groups fear for themselves and for their friends and families, and people across the nation fear for programs that may become defunded under Donald Trump’s reign. Throughout the election season, Trump made threats of defunding several…

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