Student Senate 9/19/18

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In the University of Rhode Island’s Student Senate meeting last night, the committees discussed various advancements.

President Adriana Wilding encouraged senators in the meeting to reach out to people to run for Senate, as there are 16 seats vacant and only 10 people running to fill them. Representatives from the College of Health Sciences as well as the College of Engineering are needed in Student Senate as well.

The bill calling for updates to the Student Senate Model Constitution has been tabled from this meeting to Nov. 28 so that fall re-recognition would not be affected by this change. Re-recognition is a process for Student Senate to reevaluate student organizations funding status.

The Student Organization Advisory Review Committee called upon various student organization representatives to speak on behalf of their organizations. The organizations called upon in the meeting were the Talent Development Student Board, Society For Women in Computing and the Doctors Without Borders Student Chapter. The Doctors Without Borders Student Chapter’s representative expressed their desire to “get students on campus who otherwise might not be exposed to these issues [pertaining to the chapter], working and talking about these issues.”

The External Affairs Committee Chairwoman Sara Straube expressed the success of Commuter Appreciation Day, and that many people took renting 101 flyers from the event. Campus Affairs Committee Chairman Mark Gall also discussed success in reaching out for screens in Quinn Hall, as well as student concerns over wage rates that don’t account for skill level on campus. Senator Bagley mentioned his endeavors with the Student Veteran Organization to get new plaques in the Memorial Union for fallen URI alumni.

Memorial Union Director Carl Stiles brought up the “Beats and Eats” event happening Tuesday, Sept. 25. There will be food trucks, music supplied by WRIU 90.3 FM and voter registration booths for students. The first 100 students to register at this event will receive a $5 Incred-A-Bowl Food Truck Coupon.