Harrington School introduces new sports media minor

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This semester, the Harrington School of Communication and Media at the University of Rhode Island is debuting a brand-new Sports Media minor as a result of student demand.

The interdisciplinary program will give students the opportunity to write, broadcast, produce and analyze media that concentrates solely on athletics.

Students participating in this minor will have the opportunity to complete internships both on and off campus. On campus, students will work with other student-run publications such as WRIU radio, the University’s athletic department and the campus newspaper, The Good Five Cent Cigar.

Outside of the University, opportunities to work with sports media partners at ESPN and the National Basketball Association will be available. Chances to intern with the Boston Red Sox and the Boston Bruins are obtainable as well.

“It began from students, student demands, desire and interest,” Adam Roth, director of the Harrington School said. “We’ve developed a really strong partnership with URI Athletics and Thorr Bjorn, the director of athletics for URI and many people on his team. We have a lot of students that are interning with athletics now as part of the program. We’re planning to expand that program.”

Roth is also excited for what this new program will do for the Harrington School, saying, “I think this will increase enrollment even more. It’s still going to fundamentally deliver the kind of curriculum that’s needed that teaches the historical, critical, analytical, theoretical and cultural approaches to communication but just in the focus area of sports.”

Stone Freeman, a senior journalism major who is actively involved in numerous outlets for sports media on campus, is excited about the addition of this new Harrington School program. Freeman has been a part of WRIU, The Good Five Cent Cigar, gorhody.com and completed internships with URI Athletics.

“We’re at a university where the motto is ‘Think Big, We Do’ and I think this is thinking big,” Freeman said. Although he is amongst the pioneers taking the first sports media classes this semester, Freeman won’t be fulfilling the minor as he is a senior and is unable to finish all the outcomes before graduation.

Kevin McClure, a professor in the communication studies department, has been a frontrunner in developing the new program. “When there’s student interest it’s so much easier to do stuff where you know they’re interested in doing it,” McClure said.

McClure has also been an integral role in developing the new sports media major, which hopefully will be ready by Fall 2019. “It’s just another step toward becoming a regional and national school in the area of communication and media,” McClure said. “I think we’re already there to tell you the truth, but this adds to our curriculum.”

In order to declare a sports media minor, students must speak to the department chairs and fill out the standard College of Arts and Sciences minor form. For all of those interested, consider speaking to an advisor within the Harrington School to learn more.