Writers Ranks: My most enjoyable experiences at URI

The semester is in full swing again, which is perfect because I start to get really bored during the last few weeks of the summer after my summer camp job ends. Thankfully coming back to campus means I get to fill my time doing all the stuff I love. I figured for my first article as entertainment editor and now entering my third year, I’d rank some of my favorite experiences since my freshman year.

10. Getting back into Pokémon GO

I find that while the 2016 phenomenon comes and goes most often in the summer, a college campus is by far the best place to play this game. In a place that already calls for walking, it comes pretty naturally. Pokéstops are everywhere, and the gyms are constantly changing. Go team Valor.

9. Playing pick-up basketball at Mackal Fieldhouse

For a lot of people who made that transition from high school athlete to non-athlete college student, staying active can be an obstacle, especially with how busy life can get at times. Thankfully, I’ve had a number of friends who enjoy playing pick-up, and most people who run the courts are pretty friendly to talk to, even though I’m not very good at basketball.

8. Going to skate nights at Boss Ice Arena

Ice skating tends to be a top hobby for a lot of people, or their worst nightmare. I didn’t grow up skating or playing hockey, but I got into skating with friends in high school and my dad actually grew up playing pond hockey and had skates that fit me, so I never have to pay for skate rentals. The camaraderie of skate night never fails to be a fun experience.

7. Beating Providence College in Intramural Flag Football

Intramural sports are a great way to meet new people. I joined a team at random as a “free agent” my freshman year, and the team, of course, was composed of all freshmen. We would end up having a solid year, advancing to the championship game against a group of graduate students. We then learned that we qualified to play the runner-up championship team from Providence College. We beat them pretty good. #GoRhody

6. Watching WrestleMania XL with 20+ people

Watching pay-per-views or premium live events are always better with friends, and for the biggest professional wrestling event of the year, I got together with over a dozen other students and became 10 years old again. It was a whole-weekend affair, as WrestleMania is a two-night event, but it was worth every second. I would highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it, it’s on demand on Peacock.

5. Attending URI vs. PC at the Ryan Center

Another freshman year core memory that hopefully lives up to the hype again this year. Growing up a UConn fan, I didn’t know how big the Ocean State rivalry was until I got here, and I sure felt it. That is the most packed Ryan Center I’ve ever been in. I also learned some new words that day, which I cannot repeat in the newspaper.

4. Broadcasting URI Women’s Soccer on ESPN+

Just this weekend I was given an awesome opportunity to provide play-by-play commentary for ESPN+, which is a great opportunity for sports media students getting their foot in the door with broadcasting. This is something I’ve put a lot of work toward and I feel that it’s a reflection of my effort and dedication. Definitely something I’m proud of. My mom was proud of me too.

3. Attending #Awesomefest

#Awesomefest was the latest Musician’s Guild event, which featured 12 different student artists over the course of an evening. Guild events are always a good time. The people are very easy to get along with, and live music will never not be a good time. #Awesomefest was a great way to close out the first full week of classes, and I was definitely sore the next morning after the moshing that took place.

2. Joining the Good Five Cent Cigar

Where do I even start? The Cigar has given me so many opportunities from my time contributing in sports, to becoming a staff reporter and getting to attend campus events, to the present day as Entertainment Editor. I’m very grateful for the way things have gone so far writing for the Cigar, and I look forward to an awesome semester.

1. Starting my own club

One of the best things about this school is the ability students have to create organizations. It starts off as an idea, and a couple of friends but URI is able to provide resources if the commitment is there. In the fall of my sophomore year, with the help of some really awesome people, I was able to start a film club, “Rhody Flicks,” which now meets weekly and is recognized by the URI Student Senate. I’ll always be glad that I was able to create something that brings people together.