Professor alters philosophy course to showcase presidential election, recent changes in the media

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In light of the recent election, many individuals have felt either unsettled or concerned about the newest President-elect and the world’s general reliance on media identity. For those feeling confused or anxious about the future of America, Professor Eske Møllgaard has revamped his philosophy course: Recent European Philosophy (PHL 324).

“This is a course I have taught before and I redesigned it due to recent events, in particular the election,” Møllgaard said. “It has something to offer to those graveled by the results.”

Looking at several different texts from contemporary European philosophers, PHL 324 will present ideas from the past that can be revisited today. Møllgaard expressed the importance of identities in society and that reading different point of views can create a greater understanding, therapeutically.

“People have begun to dig themselves into their own identities,” Møllgaard said. “We will question the need for identity. And how does that affect the political sphere?”

Saying there is a need for a remedy to sit down and have discussions, the Harvard graduate said the consolation of philosophy is relevant now more than ever. Americans experiencing fear is normal, but we need to overcome that fear by understanding elements of existential philosophy, according to Møllgaard.

He plans that the course will, “help us move forward from something fearful.”

By evaluating the true meaning of identity, the Møllgaard plans to discuss community values. The images that portray reality are changing on a different spectrum, and  exploring “Recent European Philosophies” can arise the hope that concerned students need for the future, according to Møllgaard.

Although philosophy is not one of the most common majors or class of choice for students, Møllgaard hopes that all students will consider enrolling in this course.

“What I want to emphasize is that philosophy is hear for all of us to think about the situation we are in,” Møllgaard said. “Reading texts about the past creates connections to ideologies that are still present today. Philosophy offers something unique and helpful to our point of view.”

If you think you are interesting in taking this course, it will be offered next semester on Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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