Adam Zangari

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Student Senate 10/16

This week’s Student Senate meeting was dominated by elections, as a relatively short meeting in a full Senate room included the induction of new senators. The newly elected senators include: at-large representatives Grace Kiernan, Michael Bentley and Christopher Bove; on-campus constituency Taylor Webster and Cierra Wornum; off-campus constituency AJ Lowther, Luke Scatenato, Billy Ferrara, Jared…

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Student Senate 10/9

During the Student Senate meeting Wednesday night, the Director of Housing and Residential Life Frankie Minor and Assignments and Occupancy Assistant Director Dan Taylor gave a presentation about Brookside Hall, which is expected to be ready for students by spring of 2020.      According to Minor and Taylor, there are three possible options for prioritizing…

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Student Senate 10/2

The vast majority of the University of Rhode Island Student Senate meeting this Wednesday was spent debating tiebreaker elections for three positions: the College of Business Representative, College of Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) Representative and Off-Campus Representatives. External Chair Allison Lantagne stated that she reached out to people who won their seat and they…

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Student Senate 9/25

Two bills were passed during the University of Rhode Island’s Student Senate meeting Wednesday night.  RhodyTHON, an organization whose mission statement is “[to] raise money through peer to peer fundraising to donate to Hasbro Children’s Hospital,” was officially recognized as an organization by Student Senate.   Men’s Club Soccer was recognized by the Senate as well….

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