Casey Chan-Smutko

Students teach technology, social connections to “Cyber Seniors”

College students help connect elders with lessons on all things technology. PHOTO CREDIT: URI College of Health Sciences At the University of Rhode Island, student mentors teach senior citizens how to use technology in the “Cyber-Seniors: Connecting Generations” program, according to Skye Leedahl, associate professor in the human development and family science (HDF) department. Leedahl…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Without a shadow of doubt

Rhody students give their Groundhog Day Predictions We asked University of Rhode Island students what their predictions are for Groundhog Day. “From what I’ve seen weather-wise, I’d probably say more winter. I mean, it was snowing sideways earlier today.” – Ethan Zall ‘26 “I don’t have a prediction because why depend on a groundhog seeing…

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An Unfiltered Exchange: Kendall Moore

Pictured: Professor of journalism, Kendall Moore. Photo contributed by: Kendall Moore At the University of Rhode Island, Kendall Moore advocates for gender equality and portraying underrepresented ethnicities in film while being a professor in the department of journalism and film media.  In the classroom, Moore teaches broadcast journalism and documentary filmmaking. Those classes usually have…

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Shining a light on seasonal depression

Affecting about 10 percent of the population, Seasonal Affective Disorder occurs when there is less sunlight. PHOTO CREDIT: As the weather gets colder, many people start to feel more depressed due to less sunshine, according to ​​Cory Clark, a licensed psychologist and director at the University of Rhode Island Counseling Center.  Those who suffer…

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