Katelyn Drenga

Mold found on multiple floors of URI library, safety measures implemented

Mold that has spread throughout the Robert L. Carothers Library and Learning Commons and the University of Rhode Island is generating solutions for its removal. DAI General Contracting and safety and risk management has taken precautionary measures around the impacted areas of the library, such as covering the infected bookshelves, evaluating the ventilation systems and…

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Research program to increase number of underrepresented students in biomedical sciences

In February, Camilla Cersosimo ’24 stood in front of the Rhode Island State House and shared the testimony of a University of Rhode Island research program that changed her life. Although her speech on Feb. 14 spanned just eight minutes, Cersosimo spoke on behalf of all the undergraduates who’ve participated in the program – shedding…

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Professors predict hurricane patterns, promote public safety

Professors in a University of Rhode Island research program have been predicting hurricane patterns to improve public safety and mitigate storm damage amidst recent weather crises. The program, Rhode Island Coastal Hazards, Analysis, Modeling and Prediction, increases awareness for communities through real-time hazard and impact prediction. RI-CHAMP has over the past 10 years been able…

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Students organization plants seeds for sustainability

Engineers for a Sustainable World, a non-profit organization at the University of Rhode Island, is working to rebuild nearby pollinator habitats by collecting seeds and organizing plantings across campus. The group of eight students works in conjunction with invasion science professor Laura Meyerson’s NRS 401 class, Foundations in Restoration Ecology, according to third-year ESW student…

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Cultures converge at LSA’s multilingual poetry slam

Students from the Latinx Student Association held a poetry slam at the University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center on Tuesday, April 16, where readings of both original and published works were shared. Inspiration behind the event stemmed from a poetry night hosted by Powerful Independent Notoriously Knowledgeable Women for women’s awareness, according to event organizer…

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