Laura Weick

Working on the editorial team of the Cigar built my experience as a reporter and helps me gain experience as a leader in a professional setting. Journalism has also helped me open up to people on a professional, personal and social level, and in return, I will use it to illustrate the possibilities of the world to others.

Foodies First Taste: Davo’s

Photo by Laura Weick |CIGAR| A new restaurant in town, Davo’s offers students another option for their loved calzones. When I first heard that a restaurant specializing in calzones called Davo’s Calzones and Wraps would be replacing the Hawaiian eatery Flat Waves in the Emporium, I was admittedly a bit disappointed. From The Rhode House to…

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Greek Week raises over $160,000

Photo contributed by Mikayla Gempp| Greek week continued to break fundraising records, with this year’s grand total of $160,000. Last week, the University of Rhode Island’s fraternities and sororities held their 78th annual Greek Week. “It’s a friendly competition just to have some fun and raise money,” Assistant Dean of Students, Steve Simo, said when…

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Not your average gen-eds

By Theresa Brown and Laura Weick As students begin to register for classes for the Fall 2018 semester, students may wonder which classes they should take to fulfill their remaining general education requirements. In an effort to assist these students, the University of Rhode Island hosted a General Education Fair on March 27 in the…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Have no fear, a job is near

With graduation just around the corner for the class of 2018, future graduates may wonder what their options for employment after obtaining their diploma. Kim Stack, director of the Center for Career and Experiential Education, thinks that opportunities for recent grads have increased in the past few years. “Everything shows us that unemployment rates have…

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