Markings, Meanings, Everything in Between: Students tell the stories behind their tattoos, part 20

Pictured: Bryn Mulligan’s horseshoe crab tattoo. Photo contributed by: Dylan Hubbard Bryn Mulligan, a fifth-year wildlife and conservation biology major, got her first tattoo, a stick and poke of Saturn, at the age of fifteen. Her first professionally done tattoo was etched into her skin on her eighteenth birthday, and she has accumulated ten more…

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Music Convocation 10/04

The University of Rhode Island’s sixth music convocation of the semester drew a large crowd, including students, faculty and staff, and featured six student performers. Each convocation is held weekly by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Music. Students, faculty and “special guests,” according to the URI website, offer live music…

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Season’s first theatre production ‘beautifully executed’ by cast, crew

Heavily based on mythology, “Polaroid Stories” follows the story of “Metamorphoses.” PHOTO CREDIT: During the month of October, the University of Rhode Island’s Theatre Department performed Naomi Iizuka’s “Polaroid Stories,” a production based on ancient Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” told through stories of destitute youth and outsiders, all brought together at an abandoned pier along the…

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